When You Need a Little More "Custom"
We started Hi Little One, in part, becuase I was already designing and printing shirts for family and friends. In launching this company, we developed a process to streamline the extremely time intensive customization workload, and made it feasible to do on a large scale.
But sometimes, nothing short of a completley custom design will do. Say, if you're taking 7 of your grandchildren to Mount Rushmore and you want a shirt with Grandpa's face as part of the monument. 64 years in the great U S of A and this will be his first trip there. This is an occasion worth marking! Custom shirts for all!
Each child (and Boppa!) got a shirt honoring the adventure, with their name and age on the back. As one of 8 siblings myself, I have a sneaking suspicion this was to help account for all 7 and remember names, but that's just me ;)
Important note: We at Hi Little One are experts in making sure your brood looks great, whatever the occasion. But helping you when you have children literally hanging from the rafters is not in our wheelhouse.
If you're looking for something extra special for an upcoming, trip, reunion, event, or just becuase, check out our Custom Orders Page for details on how we can work together to make something amazing.
Just sayin', a little forward planning goes a long way to upping your family photo game.