Creepy, yet Cute: Our Halloween T-shirt Collection

Creepy, yet Cute: Our Halloween T-shirt Collection

Creepy Yet Cute, the Hi Little One Halloween Collection

It's arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrived! 

Our Halloween collection is here, just in time for the big spook! We love these new grey track kids (and baby!) t-shirts so much. They are super soft and stand up to enough the toughest playground action.  

I love Halloween.  The month of October has me playing Monster Mash over and over and over again—everything is funny with a ghostly drawl and extended vowels.  Still, I generally shy away from holiday festive-wear, because I find it extremely difficult to be clever and not cheesy. Fun but not costume-y. Yeah, I'm into Halloween.  But not too into it.

But I think we nailed it with this collection and I'm not afraid to say it! (Fear pun!) Give me a break with how cute Adelaide is in her little ghost shirt. 


Order by noon on Monday, October 26th,  and we will guarantee delivery by Halloween. 


Hi Little One Halloween Collection

Hi Little One Halloween Collection of personalized kids t-shirts

Hi Little One Halloween Collection of personalized kids t-shirts

Hi Little One Halloween Collection of personalized kids t-shirts / When your sister comes home and steals your pumpkin

....When you're big sister comes home ans steals your thunder pumpkin

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