Celebrate All Things

Celebrate All Things

September 24, 2015

I know these are just t-shirts, but I hope that they add a lightness to what can be a predominantly dark journey. It is my sincerest hope that someday, in our lifetime, we won't need to make t-shirts for kids with childhood cancer, because we will have found a cure.

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The Clean Plate Club

The Clean Plate Club

September 17, 2015

Today on the blog we feature our newest artist collaboration. Ana Maria Ochoa, an amazing children's illustrator and artist has designed our newest style- Fruits and Veggies.

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School Days

School Days

September 02, 2015

September means the end of the summer and the start of school. Bullets discusses what it was like watching her first child get on the bus, as compared to her eighth.

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Going Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness

Going Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness

September 01, 2015

In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and to honor all of the little ones who have been effected by childhood cancer we have designed a special t-shirt and onesie to create awareness, raise hope, holler a battle cry and shine a spotlight on a disease that touches so many.

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Squarespace vs. Shopify: Why We’re Making the Switch

Squarespace vs. Shopify: Why We're Making the Switch

August 27, 2015

As our business continues to grow and evolve, so has our website. Nell discusses the pro's and con's of building a website and why we are making the switch from Squarespace to Shopify.

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The Good Mother

The Good Mother

August 20, 2015

Like every parent, my first and foremost job is keeping my kids safe. Then comes making sure the are behaved, clean and well dressed. That last one (well dressed) started out serious, but only lasted until I realized that children can be VERY destructive on clothes.

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Are We Forgetting Something?

Are We Forgetting Something?

August 13, 2015

Road trips with eight kids are never dull. Count on noise, fighting, laughter and tears. Bullets takes a look back at the many road trips our family took and how we always managed to leave Nell behind.

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Our Love Affair with Instagram

Our Love Affair with Instagram

August 06, 2015

Why do we care so much about increasing our following on Instagram? With so many social outlets available (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat...) why make Instagram the priority now?

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The Young and the Restless

The Young and the Restless

July 30, 2015

So in full disclosure, I record The Young and the Restless. Don't judge. I watch it because it brings me back to the feelings of childhood, safe and protected. It stems back to the days when I would stay home from school sick and my mom would take care of me all day.

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Like Mother Like Son

Like Mother Like Son

July 16, 2015

I love being with them, but I am a strict grandma, and I know sometimes they are not so happy to be with me. In theory, I would love to be the ‘free for all’ type of grandma, but alas I am not and so there are rules and expectations.

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The Best Holiday: 4th of July

The Best Holiday: 4th of July

July 03, 2015

 On the 4th of July in Minnesota- People come out of the woodwork to flash their farmer tans and summer burns. Rollerblades, boom boxes, crop tops and tank tops.  It's awesome.

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June 25, 2015

Fair warning, this post is the mother-load of just about everything we learned in three nonstop days at Alt. Pace yourself! We wanted to share our experience, as well as document our learnings for our  reference. There is a lot of good stuff here, so take your time. 

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